AAA Indie

AAA Indie is a strategy developed by a number of Indie gaming companies (most notably Minecraft and its developing company Mojang) but not given a name until Zero Point Software decided to use the strategy to fund the development of their game Interstellar Marines. The strategy relies on fans of a game pre-ordering while the game is still deep in development. In exchange the gaming company (while not required to do anything) allows pre-ordering members to either play specific demos of the game or allows the community access to the current game build in its entirety.[1] All members that Pre-order the game do so in the understanding that the game is far from over and if the game goes under they will not be given a refund. In the case of Zero Point to offset this risk Zero Point has promised all members paying for the full game in advance (up to the first 75,000 Members) access to the planned trilogy of Interstellar marines games as well as all alpha and beta tests for said trilogy, along with a plethora of other incentives including the community title of Spearhead Units. Members not willing to pay as much for the game because of the risk can buy the game at 15 dollars less, and keep all features of the Spearhead group minus the title (changed to Frontline Units) and not providing a free copy of the 2nd and 3rd games in the trilogy should they come out.[2][3]
